As many of you may know our little family has had a string of illnesses that seem like they will never end! It started with Greg getting the flu a few weeks ago, then me, and then Blake broke out in a rash caused by a viral infection. I wish that were the end of the story! I wasn't getting better so I went to see Dr. Andy (our doctor and church friend) and found out I had Mono...that's right... MONO!! Apparently when you have Mono your immune system is weak and you easily catch other things. I was taking an antibiotic for another infection and I broke out in a rash all over from it!! So then I had to go on steroids. No voice lowering thankfully but it did have some emotional affects on me. The worse part of all was last weekend my tonsils were ginormous and I could barely swallow or talk. It was horrible! Thankfully, dear Andy, he gave me lots of medicine that helped! So now I am seeing the daylight at the end of the tunnel! I am trying to fight off a sinus infection and getting rest! Blake seems to have something else bothering him as well.
It might seem like a horrible experience, but it has really made realize how little I really do suffer. I was basically stuck in bed with a bad sore throat and some chills for 3 weeks. There are people who genuinely suffer everyday, and while my pain can not even be compared to theirs, it does make me more sensitive to them and their needs. We need to be constantly searching the church body for those we can serve and take these opportunities to learn how!
Also, my husband rocks. I have a entire new appreciation for him. He has done EVERYTHING for me day and night for almost 3 weeks. He even rented Jane Austin flicks for me. :) My mom to has kept Blake countless times and our church friends have brought us yummy dinners!
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