Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Greg's a Graduate!

It's official! Greg is now a graduate from The Master's Seminary. We are so thankful for what the Lord has done and will do. God has been so faithful to us and we are excited to see how he chooses to use Greg for His kingdom!!

We flew out on Tuesday, May 7th and came back the 12th. We stayed with Brooke and Cooper and spent most of our time there just hanging out with them and the Sears. I might as well say Chase and Sarah stayed there since we were with them all day everyday anyways! The trip was INCREDIBLE and we can't believe it's already over. Greg and I were so very sad to leave our great friends, but are looking forward to seeing where the ministry will lead them. We actually went a few weeks ago to visit Chase and Sarah in AL. Blake and Shepard had so much fun playing together and Blake loved Mercy. He would keep saying "ba-by" and put is head on her and pat her head. It was so sweet! The boys (Cooper, Chase, and Greg) played Mario Kart on the Wii every free moment. It was so great spending all of the special events with them.

There are to many great pictures for me to load here, so I am putting a link to my album with all of them!

Also, here is the link where you can watch the student's walk in and the commencement address (which was AMAZING!).

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